Shampoos, Tattoos, and Barbeques—WHAT'S NEW IN
This one day seminar provides an
up-to-the minute overview and update on current issues in the world of
infectious diseases. New vaccines, new diseases, new drugs and new bugs!! Barb
will answer many questions you might have including: What's new in the world of
vaccines? Is it safe to travel the world today? Is it safe to eat the food
where you travel and for that matter, is it safe to eat the food you buy here at
home? What is the critical prenatal period for the ZIKA virus? There are lots of
"microbes on the menu" in today's world—how can you avoid them and what are
their clinical manifestations and treatment? Barb discusses the benefits of
antibiotic stewardship for all patients—not just patients in long-term care
facilities. The ever-expanding role of fecal transplants in chronic C. diff
patients, as well as some new experimental uses of fecal transplants will be
explained. Senior living and STIs will open your eyes! Learn about why
DEET is your new summer fragrance, how summer picnics can be hazardous to your
health, why hand washing is still important, but also why there are a few
"hazards" of using alcohol-based gels. Learn how long a tick has to be attached
before you can acquire Lyme disease, how long a flu virus lives on a doorknob,
how long a herpes virus lives on a toilet seat, the absolute risk of acquiring
hepatitis C from a fingerstick, and the absolute risk of acquiring hepatitis B
from vertical transition from a mother. Barb's seminar on infectious disease is
infectious—with laughter, enthusiasm, and a plethora of pearls you can take home
and take back to your clinical practice.