Barb's DVDs
Barb's Books
About Barb
Barb's CV




CPP Associates

3100 N. Sheridan Rd

Suite 9C

Chicago IL 60657 USA



Comments on Keynotes

"All 10's across the board! Barb well-demonstrated her nursing leadership skills during the event!"

Western Kentucky University
Nurses Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International

“You have made our event unforgettable for the past 3 years!  Our nurses have loved having you at our event so many times and we consider ourselves very lucky for this.  You are by far the best rated, most requested, one-of-a-kind speakers we have ever known!!  Thank you, thank you, thank you Barb for being an amazing nurse, role model, educator and author!  A very fond aloha,

Amy Thomas, Chief Nursing Officer, Hawai’I Pacific Healthcare (Annual conferences: 2022, 2023, 2024)

Thank you, Barb. The Carefree conference was terrific due to your good medicine "laughter," which I tried to share with the staff I manage but the delivery was not the same as you. You are dynamic, engage the audience and the laughter lasts much longer than the 2-hour presentation. Thank you so much. I cannot wait to share the DVD's with the staff!  Be well. Be safe ,  and continue to share the laughter, it is a gift. 

Kelly Redding RN, BSN

St . Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center

I truly enjoyed your workshop…I hope that in my 42 years, I have touched my patients with as much humor as you have given me. Good job! Well done!

LB, Edmonton AB

I just wanted to Thank You on behalf of myself as well as MHSTE! I am still laughing when I think about your presentations. I laughed until I cried actually during the presentations. As I am sure you already know, the evaluations were fabulous! Most of them said they want to see and hear you again next year. You might want to think about penciling in MHSTE (MHSE) Conference for next July. One of the best presentations I think I have ever heard. Thanks again! 

Barb Houk



"It’s been such a privilege and a pleasure to teach all of you over the past 40 years."

Hi everyone!!

Can you believe it? It’s been over 50 years of the most exciting, entertaining, and satisfying job that I could ever have imagined. With over 3,000 seminars provided to thousands of nursing professionals, students, and anyone else who was brave enough listen, it’s time to close up the podium, dust off the golf clubs, open a 487-page mystery novel, take my Shih-poo out for an hour of Frisbee and long walks, and enter the whole new world of retirement. Of course, while I will keep up with everything new and exciting in the Nursing and Medical literature, I just won’t be gallivanting all over the United States and Canada, traipsing through airports, schlepping bags and boxes from one city to another, and checking into hotels at whatever o’clock in the morning.

I can’t thank all of you enough for your continued backing of my presentations, your laughter, your questions, your comments, your purchases of my books, DVDs, and CDs, your cards, letters, funny jokes, and never-ending support of “all things Barb”. It’s been such a privilege and a pleasure to teach all of you over the past 40 years.

Check the website on occasion…I might be doing a blog, I am certainly going to write at least ONE more book, I could consider a podcast, who knows, a keynote speech may be in my future? (Please email or call me if you're interested in a Keynote Speech...I won't be doing "all-day" seminars anymore, but a keynote here and there would be FUN!!" See side panel for possible keynotes.) For now, though, I will take a deep breath and enjoy R & R with my phenomenal friends and family.

Wishing all of you the best possible years ahead…stay healthy, stay happy, and stay focused on the things you love the most.

Thank you again,




312-543-7688 (please text as I don’t answer calls if I don’t recognize the number)


Barb Bancroft, RN, MSN, NP,  has liberally applied her gift of humor to the clinical teaching of healthcare professionals and laymen since the early 1980s. She has provided more than 3,000 continuing education events on topics pertaining to health and wellness, physical assessment, pharmacology and pathophysiology to health care professionals and corporate groups throughout the United States and Canada.

With clarity and wit, Barb dishes up a variety of clinical and useful keynote speeches. She has been the keynote speaker for the Association of Practitioners for Infection Control, the National Association of Biology Teachers, the National Association of Orthopedic Nurses, the National Association of Emergency Nurses, and the National Association of Nurse Practitioners, dental groups including The Pacific Coast Dental Association, The Washington State Dental Association, The Edmonton Dental Society, and The Vancouver Island Dental Society. She has provided health and wellness presentations to corporate groups including The MDRT (Million Dollar Round Table), Smith Barney/Citicorp, Country Financial, State Farm Insurance, and more.

Barb has held faculty positions at the University of Virginia, the University of Arkansas, Loyola University of Chicago, and St. Xavier University of Chicago. She has provided courses on Advanced Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Physical Assessment to graduate and undergraduate students.

Barb Bancroft is the author of Medical Minutiae, an Apple a Day: The ABCs of Diet and DiseaseLive a Little, Laugh a LotKiss My Asparagus; Clinical Pharmacology; Plants or Pills?; Laughing My Aspirin Off; and her most recent book—A Bacteria, a Virus, and a Parasite Walk Into a Bar –a Quirky Look at the Interpretation of Lab Tests. 


Barb is a fascinating and highly informative speaker whose dynamic presentation style makes learning enjoyable. She provides a wealth of clinical information that can be applied to everyday practice.




Check out Barb's Newest Book...


A Bacteria, a Virus and a

Parasite Walk Into a Bar


This is NOT your “run-of-the-mill Lab Test book.” Of course, it’s not—it’s written by the “not your run-of-the-mill” nursing educator, Barb Bancroft. What is the best way to describe this book? It’s “lab-a-palooza” of a tome, with full explanations of every day lab tests, interspersed with clinical quips, timely tips, case studies, pharmacology pearls, historical highlights, practical pointers, and peppered with a few giggles and laughs along the way. Barb blends physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical assessment pearls seamlessly throughout each of the 12 chapters. The first chapter, named after the title of the book, A Bacteria, a Virus, and a Parasite Walk Into a Bar… discusses the lab tests used to diagnose infections with a thorough explanation of the WBC and differential. The second chapter covers RBCs and a thorough review of the myriad of anemias. Bloody Hell is Chapter 3 – all about the tests used for clotting and bleeding. Other chapters include Read My Lipids, A Touch of the Sugar, Liver Logic, To Pee or Not to Pee, Breath, Sweat, and TearSSSSSS, The Land of the Gland—Thyroid, that is, Enzymes Galore and So Much More, and a few more on Electrolytes and Tumor Markers. Piqued your interest? It's educational, entertaining, and enlightening...what more could you want in a book on Lab Tests? Piqued your interest? It's educational, entertaining, and enlightening...what more could you want in a book on Lab Tests? 

Back Cover

Buy it on Amazon.com today!

Order from this website









Take This Job and... LOVE It! (Livin', Laughin' and Learnin'...Through the Years)
Barb presents a lively and humorous look at the wonderful world of the nursing. She shares her 50+ years of experience by weaving tales from yesteryear with current nursing and medical progress. Barb's best bets for maintaining an exciting and fulfilling nursing career will have you laughing your way to another healthy and prosperous year in the nursing profession.

To Your Health!
Most of us are so focused on taking business endeavors and taking care of others, that we neglect to consider our own health as a priority. In this entertaining and educational presentation, Barb Bancroft will discuss the most important health concerns in today's workforce and the implications of self-management. Topics include the use of humor and sunlight in boosting the immune system, how to prevent cardiovascular disease with therapeutic lifestyle changes, stress reduction techniques, and the importance of regular check-ups with your health care professional. Barb cleverly incorporates the latest findings on dietary influences and how to easily incorporate changes into your everyday routine. You will not only leave the seminar laughing your way to a healthier lifestyle, but you will take home practical pearls for health maintenance.

Unstress for Success
Did you know that stress moves FAT around your waistline? Did you know that stress depletes the brain of the 'happiness' neurotransmitter known as serotonin? Did you know that stress can move calcium out of the bone and increase the risk for osteoporosis? Did you know that stress can 'kill' brain cells and lead to memory loss? Did you know that stress increases blood pressure? WOW! Join Barb for a delightful review of the "stress response" and its ramifications for health and happiness. Barb will not only discuss the implications of stress on health and disease, but she will also provide hilarious ways to reduce stress in your daily routine.

Do Dill Pickles REALLY Cause Cancer?
Barb will delve into the myriads of myths, controversies, crazy theories and mysteries that have been propagated about cancer through the years. Breast Cancer underwire bras? How about cell phones carried in the bra and the risk for breast cancer?

Cell phones and brain tumors? TSA radiation and cancer risk? What does excess weight have to do with cancer? Does fiber protect against colon cancer? What is the role of temperature in the development of testicular cancer? What is the risk of cancer with various CT scans? Barb's hilarious and informative presentation on Do Dill Pickles REALLY cause cancer makes a great keynote presentation for healthcare professionals in the world of Oncology Medicine and Nursing.


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